The MyCityRocks testbed was originally launched in 2005 in Houston, Texas, bootstrapping off a small $1000 investment from the Starhold Corporation to cover start-up costs. Today MyCityRocks is a global brand focused on community pride, improvement, and entertainment. The for-profit company is privately owned by its founder and has no external debt.
We call ourselves a social engagement venture, leveraging on social networking technology to enable people to celebrate community pride and spirit, enjoy local culture and entertainment, and give back to their local community. MyCityRocks bridges the gap between online social networking and offline real-world activity in a way that is fun, innovative and exciting.
MyCityRocks enables individuals to:
- Have fun
--enjoy their passions for things like music, art, food, sports, romance, and travel; - Give back
--help to make their part of the world a better place; and - Represent
--share their passion and spirit for life with those around them.
The MyCityRocks brand embraces the idea that being socially conscious, having fun, and prospering economically are compatible and synergistic objectives. It was designed with the understanding that social engagement will be most effective when communities function not just online but offline as well.
MyCityRockers believe that every individual can contribute to making their own part of the world ROCK, not just in terms of music, but also in terms of culture, living conditions, health, economics, and human rights. Grassroots social engagement is a powerful force in shaping our society, and MyCityRocks provides a framework for making it all happen.
We are thrilled with the response that was so quickly received after launching our initial testbed, particularly with so many requests from cities around the world asking when we would be entering their market. We are now in the process of continuing our worldwide expansion. We have been extraordinarily fortunate to benefit from the enthusiasm of an exceptional group of people who have been inspired to work with us on this venture, and we have a great deal of pride in what they have accomplished in such a short period.
MyCityRocks does not accept advertising from other organizations... our web site and our email communications are entirely advertising free. We do form both formal and informal partnerships with other organizations with synergistic objectives. Please see our Your Company page if you are interested in additional details.
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Below my signature is a brief snapshot of some of our community activities in words and pictures, taken from the tens of thousands of photographs we've snapped to share with our members over the past years. Please also see our Event Photo Archive for our rock concert photo coverage and our archives from previous years.
Clifford R. Kurtzman, Ph.D.
Executive Director