MyCityRocks connects brands to new markets in ways which are cool, relevant and exciting.

MyCityRockers are passionate about enjoying life to the fullest, and making their city the best place it can possibly be to live (see our article "Giving Back and the Value of Strategic Corporate Philanthropy"). MyCityRocks does not accept any advertising, however we do enter into partnerships with organizations having with similar values.

Shape the future. Rock the world. Make your city a better place to live. Give back to the community. Engage customers through participation in philanthropic events. Spread the word that your organization is one that cares. Have one heck of a lot of fun and get an incredible amount of exposure while doing it. Do these things interest you? Then we should talk.

You can use this form to start a conversation:

Your Name:  
Your E-mail address:   
Your Company:   
Your Title:   
Your Phone Number:   
Your City:  