Building a City on Rock and Roll

William Shakespeare put it well when he wrote “What is the city but the people?” By giving back to our communities, we create cities that are healthier, safer, and more enriching places to live. This enables us to make our part of the world a better place to raise our children, which in turn allows a new generation to grow up and give back in a more positive environment.
Each of us wants to be able to represent that our part of the world is a great place to live. MyCityRockers believe that every individual can contribute to making their own part of the world ROCK. Not just in terms of music, but also in terms of culture, living conditions, health, economics, and human rights. Grassroots social engagement is a powerful force in shaping our society, and MyCityRocks provides a framework for making it all happen that is fun, fulfilling, and exciting.
Which city knows how to ROCK hardest? We started MyCityRocks in HOUSTON, and it was amazing watching how quickly the city responded and people joined the MyCityRocks community. Now that we are spreading worldwide, it will be interesting to see how individuals in other cities respond. Will there be other cities that know how to ROCK as hard as HOUSTON?
Everything we do is driven by YOU, so if you live in a city that rocks, please send us a note and let us know. Please let your friends know about us too, by posting a link to our site through your blog, Facebook Twitter, or other social network community. MyCityRocks will grow where we see the greatest interest, so it is all up to you and your community.